2 days ago I had what I would consider to be the worst days fishing so far on Deep Blue. I may be being a little dramatic there to be honest, but it just seemed like the weather and the fish were making us chase our tails somewhat.!
Fast forward 48hrs and the days fishing we‘ve just had couldn‘t have been more different. All of the target fish and timings went exactly to plan…… with the addition of stumbling across a bass shoal on the way out this morning, and huge bass and mackerel shoals on the way back in this evening.
So after a bit of bass bashing (tons of schoolies) lots of good pollack to 14lb were found on the wrecks. Fish every drift or there abouts. The 14lb and 13lb‘ers came on the same drift together along with another high in the single figures.

My only rod hire for the day catching a big share of the total amount of pollack on Sidewinder Skerries Eel natural 6” 25g.

We even found another sussex cod, coming in at close to 5lb.

My customers wanted to anchor a wreck to try for some conger. No sweat! We spent the second half of the day anchored on a couple of wrecks with big baits on Cox & Rawle 8/0 meat hooks and 200lb flouro snoods.
Annoyingly…..once the tide finally decided to start flooding (it was 2 hours late), and we had been putting bait down on the bottom - we managed to find what must have been a large bit of lost netting causing us lots of snags. We moved a bit, and re anchored and were awarded with 4 conger to approx 25lb for our efforts. No monsters this time but I quite enjoyed fishing for them so I will be back to try again.
A dozen mackerel and a dozen or so additional bass were again on deck on the way home when I received a call from a good friend to tell me that lots of birds were working the area.
Phew! This is probably the best day on Deep Blue so far. Every target fish ticked off the list and a lot of bonus fish nailed.
5 extremely happy customers, a happy decky and a relieved skipper.
Massive thanks to Steve Erends for lending a hand today. Those cups of tea and coffee were great buddy 😉👍🏻.
I’ll sleep like a baby tonight.
Deep Blue OUT.