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Welcome Aboard!

Deep Blue Logo

Contact Simon to book your spot today and set sail on an East Sussex fishing or sightseeing adventure


The East Sussex coastal experience.


There is something special about spending time on the water that is nearly impossible to replicate. Whether it be trying to catch the fish of a lifetime, or experiencing the wonders of nature. Spending your day on the sea with family, friends or perfect strangers is very hard to beat.

Sovereign Harbour Marina Eastbourne

A Grand Day Out

The south east corner of the UK is rich in natural beauty and wildlife. With miles of stunning coastline framed with towering white chalk cliffs and the South Downs National Park, the view from the water never ceases to amaze.


Wildlife such as rare birds, dolphins, seals and more recently the mighty Blue Fin Tuna can, and have been seen from onboard local vessels.


We provide charter fishing, Eastbourne fishing trips, Airbourne boat hire, ashes scattering and sightseeing trips all from our Sussex charter boat.

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A Turbot caught onboard Deep Blue Charters.

Reel Fishing

You can find historical catch reports here, along with a bit of information on the weeks events.

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